Hi, I'm David.


This website is simply a medium to explore my graphic design & web development skills, while also showcasing a bit about myself!


Iā€™m a fourth-year student at McMaster University studying Electrical Engineering. In my free time, I enjoy gardening, playing sports, running, hiking, and playing the guitar! I'm fascinated by robotics & autonomous systems, and the math & software behind it all.

I know for sure that I want to travel the world. One of my many life goals is to explore the planet and experience new places, cultures, and cuisines! There's a whole different world beyond our borders I can't wait to experience it. So, if you have any travel recommendations, please let me know and I'll add it to my already-overfilled travel bucket list!



Here are some of my projects over the years... See more on GitHub and my notes.


Nov 2022

BackTrack is a web app that tracks the user's posture in real-time using live video feed from their webcam, and notifes them when they are slouching. This project was inspired by my last co-op, where my work related to human pose estimation. I also have an interest in back pain as you can tell from my previous projects. Overall, this project was a great way to improve my React skills!

React HTML/CSS Human Pose Estimation


May 2021

Given my travel interests, it only makes sense that I work on a project related to it! TravelPal is a website where users can recieve practical travel information based on the country they're travelling to. I developed this website from scratch using HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, and the travelbriefing.org API. I learned a ton from this project, as it was my first time working with CSS grid, local storage, and APIs!

Figma HTML/CSS Vanilla Javascript Adobe Illustrator

Personal Website

This website, currently in its 1st version, is my first ever web development project. I created it with the goal of improving my graphic designing skills and learning web development. My logo & avatar were designed on Adobe Illustrator and the website was designed on Figma and built responsive & mobile-first with pure HTML, CSS, & Vanilla Javascript. I decided to build this website from scratch to truly gain a strong understanding of web development.

Adobe Illustrator Figma HTML/CSS Vanilla Javascript

Back Inspector

Jan 2021

After reading a book about back pain, I decided to create Back Inspector - an online tool where users can recieve a self-assessment of their back pain by answering 14 questions. I created this project to improve my web development skills and reinforce some of the concepts I learned from the book.

Figma HTML/CSS Vanilla Javascript